Why chose BerConsult?
If you would like to . . . .
- make you home warmer.
- live in a more energy efficient home
- save money on your energy bills
- Push your BER towards an A Rating
. . . . . . then we can help you!
We are experienced engineers with expertise in energy management and can provide you with . . . .
- Sensible advice on energy saving initiatives for your home
- Building Energy Rating (BER) Certificates
- Thermal Imagery
Derry’s Tips – economic and effective ways to reduce your energy bills:
- Hot Water Tank:
- Lag it
- Use your boiler to heat the water rather than immersion
- If using immersion then always put it on a timer
- Lighting
- Replace tungsten bulbs with low energy units (fluorescent or LED)
- More expensive but longer life
- Increase you attic insulation to 300mm
- Seal all windows, doors and attic hatches.
- Don’t overheat your house – set Living Room thermostat to max 21oC and remainder of house to 18oC